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Training For Now & The Future

Building on the success of Arkell’s existing staff training programmes with the British Institute of Innkeeping, Arkell's took a major step forward in 2015, teaming up with Swindon College to offer local training on nationally recognised hospitality qualifications for all its managed houses and tenancies.

Courses are a tailored mix of apprenticeships alongside bespoke additional training, all designed to support those working in the industry, whether that’s in the bar, the kitchen or in pub management, who would like to build on their career.

Arkell's Academy training and courses are open to ALL Arkell's staff and tenancy staff.


  • Funded training
  • Improve standards for customers
  • Recognised qualifications
  • Face to face assessments
  • Increase professionalism
  • Bespoke benefits

How is it funded?


Why we set up the Arkell's Academy


Where are the courses delivered?
